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2022/8/20 14:10:33   

曲靖师范学院位于我国第三大河珠江的发源地、云南省第二大城市、爨文化的故乡、“全国十佳宜居城市”——曲靖市。学校2007年6月以“良好”成绩通过了教育部本科教学工作水平评估,2010年成为云南省优质生源高校,2012年和2015年连续被中央文明委命名表彰为“全国文明单位”,2017年6月通过教育部本科教学工作审核评估。学校入选省级立项建设硕士学位授予单位,入选“十四五”教育强国推进工程中央预算内投资项目储备名单。自2000年升本以来,在省委、省政府、市委、市政府的大力支持下,学校为地方经济和社会发展培养各类高级应用人才5万余人,赢得了“千里珠江,源头起航;园丁摇篮,桃李芬芳”的美好赞誉,已发展成为曲靖教育发展的龙头、合格师资培养的重要基地、先进文化建设的重要窗口。办学历史文化积淀厚重。学校办学历史最早可追溯至1907年开办的“师范传习所”,之后,几经调整变迁。1912年设置云南省立第三师范学校,1956年更名为曲靖师范学校,1977年招收昆明师范学院曲靖普通(本科)班,1978年成立曲靖师范专科学校(1993年更名为曲靖师范高等专科学校),1984年建立曲靖教育学院。2000年3月经教育部批准,曲靖师范高等专科学校、曲靖教育学院、曲靖师范学校合并组建曲靖师范学院。一代代曲师人不忘初心,砥砺前行,熔铸形成了“苦乐交融育英才,百年树人铸精魂”的曲师精神。办学基本条件不断改善。现有校本部、古城、环东三个校区,校园面积1399亩,校舍面积37.89万平方米,图书馆馆藏文献总量270余万册,电子图书资源量120 TB;固定资产总值9.01亿元,其中教学科研仪器设备总值1.59亿元。学校荣获省市“平安校园”“园林绿化先进单位”称号。师资队伍建设成效明显。现有在职教职员工1045人,其中博士199人(含在读)。有专任教师810人,正高职称教师94人,副高职称教师252人,高级职称教师占到专任教师的42.72%,硕博教师占专任教师82.09%。专任教师中有85位受聘担任上海师范大学、云南大学、云南师范大学等高校硕士生导师。教师中有享受国务院特殊津贴专家,省突、省贴知名专家,省级教学名师、优秀教师,省中青年学术和技术带头人及后备人才等共26人,入选云南省“两个计划”20余人。有云南省级名师工作室6个,长年聘任校外兼职教授189人,外籍教师13人。2021年11月,自然历史文化研究中心主任、曲靖古鱼王国博物院院长朱敏当选中国科学院院士。学科专业特色鲜明。学校设有18个教学科研机构、6个教辅机构,建成了一批有特色的专业,形成了多学科发展格局。有8个省级重点学科,其中1个云南省高原学科,3个硕士学位授权立项建设学科,2个优势特色重点学科。设有全日制本科专业59个(含师范类专业19个),成人教育专业9个。专业涉及经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、管理学、艺术学9大学科门类。建有国家高等学校特色(重点)专业1个、云南省高等学校特色(重点)专业5个,省级精品课程12门。有云南省“支持产业升级重点专业群”立项建设项目2项、创新创业教育改革试点学院建设项目及创新创业教育实践基地建设项目各1项,云南省高水平师资队伍建设项目2项、省级教学团队5个、黄大年式教师团队2个,云南省实验教学示范中心3个、虚拟仿真实验教学项目2项、经济学卓越人才协同育人计划1项,国家和省级教学质量工程项目175项。2019年,学校入选“国家语言文字推广基地”,成为“省级重点马克思主义学院”建设单位,13个专业入选省级一流本科专业建设点,学校学科专业建设取得明显进步。人才培养质量不断提高。面向全国26个省(市、区)招生,现有全日制本科在校生16000余人。历届校友中,涌现出了在中国革命和建设中做出贡献的徐文烈将军、《在太行山上》的词作者桂涛声、抗日名将王甲本;“全国三八红旗手”、党的十八大代表胡艳,“云南省教育风云人物”“云南省百优校长”郭跨存,“全国优秀大学生援教教师”“云南省教育风云人物”梁春林,“全国模范教师”徐瑞等大批优秀人才。学生在国家级、省级以上学科专业竞赛、科技创新竞赛中的获奖人数逐年上升,获国家和省部级奖项744项,创新创业项目获国家和省部级资助56项。在毕业生考取硕士研究生的学校中,清华大学、北京大学等“双一流”高校的比例约占30%。就业率一直保持在90%以上,先后荣获全省就业工作目标责任考核一等奖11次,被评为云南省高校毕业生就业典型经验高校和云南省创新创业典型经验高校,2021年获批“全国高校毕业生就业能力培训基地”。大学生“三下乡”社会实践活动连续获中宣部、团中央表彰。学校获“云南省社会主义核心价值观教育示范学校”和“云南省第二批‘三全育人’综合改革试点高校”称号。在2020年软科中国最好大学排名中全国排名387位、西部高校第81位、云南第10位。学校获评云南省2019年教育综合考核“优秀”等次、2019年省管领导班子年度考核“优秀”等次、2020年省属高校党风廉政建设责任制检查考核“优秀”等次。科研创新能力不断增强。建有国家体育总局研究基地1个、国家语委语言文字推广基地1个、省哲学社会科学研究基地1个、省高校重点实验室4个、省高校工程研究中心1个、省哲学社会科学创新团队3个、省高校科技创新团队6个、省级人才培养模式创新实验示范区2个;主持国家级项目82项,出版专著、编著、艺术作品集和主编教材420余部,公开发表论文10300余篇;获得省、部级各类优秀成果奖98项、省部级以上各类教育教学奖117项、曲靖市社会科学优秀成果奖194项、曲靖市文学艺术创作政府奖24项,产生了一批高水平研究成果。服务经济社会发展能力不断提升。近五年,完成了“曲靖市主导产业培育研究”“曲靖市产业转型升级研究”等课题10余项,承担了“曲靖市经济发展蓝皮书”等专项课题,为政府和相关部门提供了重要的决策参考。以校友桂涛声为原型创作的纪念抗战胜利70周年大型歌剧《涛声依旧》以及为纪念红军长征胜利80周年排演的歌剧《年轻的脚步》,成功公演并获得好评,为艺术教学改革和协同创新创造了典型经验。成功举办国家艺术基金项目《丝路华彩——西南少数民族水彩艺术展》“西南丝绸之路”和“海上丝绸之路”巡展,展示了西南地区的水彩艺术成果与我校艺术教育、人才培养成果。推进爨文化传承创新,对“南碑瑰宝”爨龙颜碑和爨宝子碑进行数字化研发,2017年,“曲师二爨培生字库”正式上线;2020年,“曲师大爨建国字库”上线,《爨体书法字库》首发。2021年,与中科院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所、云南大学合作共建曲靖古鱼王国博物院,开展相关化石研究和科普工作,打造融科研、科普、文化、观赏为一体的展览和体验场所,提升“古鱼王国”曲靖影响力,打造世界级的古鱼文化研究和展示名片。在中国共产党百年华诞之际,建成曲靖红色文化展览馆,承办“不忘初心、牢记使命”曲靖市庆祝中国共产党成立100周年主题展览,面向社会公众开放。以“政府—社会—大学—小学”教育共同体模式运作,建成全日制公办小学——曲靖师范学院附属小学,服务基础教育,助力解决经开区人民群众“上好学”难题,于2021年8月启动首批一年级新生招生。国际化办学逐步深入。成立了“云南省出国留学预备学院曲靖分院”,成为云南省人民政府第三批华文教育基地,与泰国清迈大学、美国宾州曼斯菲尔德大学、爱尔兰沃特福德理工学院、新西兰商学院和林肯大学等合作开展“2+2”“3+1”“3+1+1”等多种形式的联合人才培养项目;近年来与英、美、加、澳、新、法、爱尔兰等国家和地区的多所高校和教育机构建立了正式交流合作关系,长期聘请英、美、俄、泰、印尼等国外专外教到校任教,招收长短期留学生1000余人,在泰国挂牌建立了“汉语国际教育中心”,国际化办学水平逐年提高。“十三五”期间,学校全面贯彻党的教育方针,始终坚持以立德树人为根本,聚焦质量和内涵建设,彰显师范特色,深化综合改革、推动转型提质、坚持文化铸魂、推进依法治校、全面从严治党,不断增强学校的综合实力和核心竞争力,在人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化传承创新等方面取得了显著成绩,为学校事业发展奠定了坚实基础。进入“十四五”,学校明确了“坚守师范底色,突出地方性、应用型特点,努力打造一流本科教育,创建特色鲜明的高水平地方大学”的办学定位,确立“师范立校”“特色兴校”“人才强校”“文化润校”“开放活校”五大战略,以立德树人为根本,以强化治理为关键,以学科专业建设为龙头,以改革创新为动力,以平台和团队建设为支撑,以服务地方经济社会发展为重点,站在支撑云南和曲靖现代化发展进程的战略高度,通过高质量内涵式发展,努力实现人才培养有新突破、科学研究有新提高、社会服务有新延伸、文化传承有新面貌、对外合作有新进展、办学条件有新改善,建设“勤学曲师”“奋进曲师”“和美曲师”,不断提高综合办学实力和社会影响力。(数据统计截至2021年11月)

Qujing Normal University

Qujing Normal University is located in Qujing City, the birthplace of the Pearl River (i.e. the Zhujiang River and the third longest river in China), the second largest city in Yunnan, hometown of Cuan Culture, and one of the “Top Ten Livable Cities in China”. The University was ranked B in the undergraduate education accreditation by the Ministry of Education in June 2007, and it has been one of the universities enrolling high quality students in Yunnan since 2010. The University was successively named as a “National Civilized Unit” by the Central Civilization Committee in 2012 and 2015. The University passed the review and evaluation of undergraduate teaching work by the Ministry of Education in June 2017, and it was selected as a provincial-level master's degree-granting unit and a reserve list of central budgetary investment projects for the "14th Five-Year Plan" education strengthening promotion project. Qujing Normal University has trained more than 50,000 senior applied talents for local economic and social development under the support of Party committees and governments at municipal and provincial levels since its upgrading to a bachelor-degree-granting university in 2000. The University has earned the good reputation for “taking root in the source of the long Pearl River, being the cradle for thousands of teachers and instructors”. Now, the University has become the leader of Qujing's education development, an important base for cultivating qualified teachers and a main window of advanced culture construction.Qujing Normal University has a long history and profound cultural heritage. The history of the University can be traced back to 1907 when the “Teacher Training School” was set up, and it turned into Yunnan Provincial Third Normal School in 1912. The University was renamed as Qujing Normal School in 1956, and Qujing full-time (undergraduate) programs of Kunming Teachers College started recruitment in the school in 1977. On the basis of the school, Qujing Teachers College was established in 1978, and the college name was changed to Qujing Senior Teachers College in 1993. As approved by the Ministry of Education in March 2000, Qujing Senior Teachers College, Qujing Education College (which was established in 1984) and Qujing Normal School was merged to form Qujing Normal University. Generations of teachers and students have remained true to their original aspiration and forged ahead, thus forming the University's spirit of “Cultivating talents with joys and hardships, fostering a noble soul through persistent efforts”. Qujing Normal University has continuously improved the infrastructure and basic conditions running the school. The University covers three campuses (the Main Campus, Gucheng Campus and Huandong Campus) with a total area of 1,399 mu (about 230.31 acres), and a school building of 378,900 square meters. The University library is stocked with over 2.7 million books and nearly 120TB e-book resources. The University's fixed assets total to RMB 901 million Yuan, including a total value of teaching and scientific research-related equipment and facilities that amount to RMB 150 million Yuan. The University has won the titles of “Safe Campus” and “Advanced Unit of Landscaping”.  Qujing Normal University has achieved remarkably in the construction of teaching staff. The University currently has 1045 in-service faculty and staff, 199 of whom are PhDs (including PhD candidates). There are 810 full-time teachers, including 94 teachers with senior titles and 252 teachers with deputy senior titles, making up 42.72% of the full-time teachers, and teachers with a Master's or doctoral degree account for over 82.09%. Among the full-time teachers, 85 are employed as master's degree graduate supervisors in universities like Shanghai Normal University, Yunnan University and Yunnan Normal University; 26 teachers are titled as national or provincial outstanding experts and teachers who enjoy special expert allowance granted by the State Council or the provincial government, and are listed as provincial middle and young aged academic and technical leaders and backup talents; and more than 20 teachers are selected into the “two plans” of Yunnan Province. In addition, the University has 6 workshops for distinguished teachers of Yunnan Province and employs 189 part-time professors and 13 foreign experts throughout the year., Zhu Min, director of the Natural History and Culture Research Center and the Qujing Ancient Fish Kingdom Museum, was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in November, 2021. Qujing Normal University has established sound discipline and major structure with distinctive characteristics. Qujing Normal University currently has 18 teaching and research institutions and 6 teaching auxiliary institutions, and has built a considerable number of characteristic majors, forming a multi-disciplinary development pattern. There are 8 provincial-level key disciplines including 1 plateau discipline of Yunnan Province, 3 construction disciplines for Master's degree programs, and 2 key disciplines with advantages and characteristics. Besides, the University has 59 full-time undergraduate majors (including 19 teacher-training majors), and 9 adult education majors. The bachelor’s degree programs cover 9 major disciplines, namely economics, law, pedagogy, literature, history, natural science, engineering, management, and arts. The university provides 1 national characteristic (key) major for institutions of higher learning, 5 characteristic (key) majors for universities in Yunnan Province and 12 provincial excellent courses; it has 2 provincial construction projects of “Key Specialty Groups to Support Industrial Upgrading”, 1 provincial construction project for pilot universities of innovation and entrepreneurship education reform and 1 provincial construction project for an innovation and entrepreneurship education practice base respectively, 2 provincial high-level faculty construction projects, 5 province-level teaching groups,2 Huang Danian teaching teams in Yunnan Province, 3 Yunnan provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers, 2 provincial virtual simulation experimental teaching projects, and 1 provincial collaborative education program for outstanding talents in economics. There are 175 national and provincial teaching quality projects. The University was selected as the “National Language and Character Promotion Base” and became a construction unit of “Yunnan Provincial Key Marxist College”, and its 13 majors were selected as provincial first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites in 2019. Obviously, remarkable progress has been made in the construction of disciplines and specialties.Qujing Normal University has continually improved the quality of talent cultivation. Enrolling students from 26 provinces (municipalities and regions) throughout China, Qujing Normal University presently has more than 16,000 full-time students on campus. Among its large number of well-known alumni, some representatives were Xu Wenlie, a great contributor to the national revolution and construction cause; Gui Taosheng, lyricist of the song titled “On the Taihang Mountain”; Wang Jiaben, a renowned military general during the Anti-Japanese War; Hu Yan, the winner of the title of “A National Red-Banner Pacesetter” and a representative of the 18th CPC National Congress; Guo Kuacun, the winner of the titles of “Man of the Hour for Education in Yunnan” and “Top Hundred Well-known Principals in Yunnan”; Mr. Liang Chunling, who has won the titles of “National Outstanding College Students Aiding Education” and “Man of the Hour for Education in Yunnan”; and Xu Rui, an awardee as a “National Model Teacher”. The number of students who have won national and provincial awards in varieties of academic competitions and scientific innovation competitions has increased year by year. Up to now, the students of the University have won 744 national, ministerial and provincial awards, and obtained 56 innovation and entrepreneurship funding projects at national, ministerial and provincial levels. About 30% of its graduates who are admitted to master's degree programs go to Tsinghua University, Peking University and other 'Double First-Class' universities for further study. The employment rate of the University has been maintained above 90%. The University has successively won the first prize of the provincial employment target responsibility assessment 11 times, been rated as a typical university with employment experience for college graduates in Yunnan Province and a typical university with innovation and entrepreneurship experience in the province, and been approved as "National Training Base for College Graduates' Employment" in 2021. The “Three Sends to the Countryside” programs organized by the University to bring cultural, scientific and medical services to the rural areas have won recognition for consecutive years by Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and Youth League Central Committee. The University has been awarded the title of “Demonstration School of Socialist Core Values Education in Yunnan Province” and one of “The Second Batch of Comprehensive Reform Pilot Universities of 'Three All-round Education' in Yunnan Province”. The University ranks 387th in Shanghai Ranking’s Best Chinese Universities Ranking, 81st in western universities and 10th in universities in the province in 2020. In addition, the University was rated as “excellent” both in the comprehensive education assessment of Yunnan Province and the annual assesment of province-administrating leadership in 2019,and “excellent” in the assement of the construction of Party style and incorruptible government in 2020.Qujing Normal University has increasingly enhanced the research and innovation capacity. The University has established one research base of the State Sports General Administration, 1 language promotion base of the State Language Committee, 1 provincial philosophy and social science research base, 4 provincial key university laboratories, one engineering research center of provincial universities, 3 provincial philosophy and social science innovation teams, 6 innovative teams of science and technology, and 2 provincial-level experimental demonstration zones for talent cultivation mode innovation. The University has undertaken 82 national research projects; published over 420 monographs, compilation works, collections of fine arts and textbooks, as well as more than 10,300 research papers; won 98 ministerial and provincial awards for outstanding achievements of varieties, 117 education and teaching awards at national, ministerial and provincial levels, 194 outstanding achievements awards of social sciences in Qujing Municipality, and 24 Qujing government awards for literary and artistic creation. In a word, a considerable number of high-level research results have been produced.Qujing Normal University has continuously improved the ability to serve economic and social development. The University has completed more than 10 projects such as “Research on the Cultivation of Leading Industries in Qujing” and “Research on Industrial Transformation and Upgrading in Qujing”, and has undertaken several special projects like the “Blue Book of Qujing Economic Development”, providing important decision-making reference for the government and relevant departments in the past five years. The large-scale opera “The Sound of Billows” created on the basis of its alumnus Gui Taosheng to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the opera “Footsteps of the Young” rehearsed to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army’s Long March were successfully performed and well appreciated, creating typical experience for art teaching reform and collaborative innovation. The University has successfully held the “Southwest Silk Road” and “Maritime Silk Road” tour exhibitions sponsored by the National Art Fund project “Silk Road Colorful—Watercolor Art Exhibition of Southwest Minorities”, showing the achievements of watercolor art in Southwest China and of the University's art education and talent training. It actively promotes the inheritance and innovation of Cuan culture, and conducts digital research and development of Cuan Longyan Tablet and Cuanbaozi Tablet, the “Treasure of South Steles”. “Qujing Normal University Er Cuan Peisheng Font Bank” was officially launched in 2017; “Da Cuan Jianguo Font Bank of Qujing Normal University” was launched and the “Cuan Style Calligraphy Font Bank” was first released in 2020; and the University has built the Qujing Museum of Ancient Fish Kingdom, carried out fossil research and science popularization, established an exhibition and experience site integrating scientific research, science popularization, culture and ornamental, enhanced the influence of Qujing, the "Kingdom of Ancient Fish", and created a world-class ancient fish culture research and display business card by the cooperation with the Institute of Vertebrate Zoology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yunnan University in 2021. The University has also built the Qujing Red Culture Exhibition Hall to be opened to the public to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and undertaken the exhibition on the theme of "Remaining true to the Party’s original aspiration and founding mission" on the occasion of the centennial of the Communist Party of China. The University has built the Primary School Affiliated to Qujing Normal University, a full-time public elementary school, to serve basic education and help solve the problem of "good schooling" for the people in the Economic Development Zone with the "government-society-university-primary school" education community operating model. The primary school has enrolled the students first grade in August 2021. Qujing Normal University has gradually deepened the international education. Qujing Normal University has established “Qujing Branch of Yunnan Preparatory College for Studying Abroad”, become one of the third batch of Chinese education bases of Yunnan Provincial People's Government. The University cooperates with overseas universities like Chiang Mai University in Thailand, Mansfield University in Pennsylvania in the United States, Watford Institute of technology in Ireland, New Zealand College of Business and Lincoln University to carry out various forms of joint talent training projects such as “2 + 2”, “3 + 1”, “3 + 1 + 1” modes. In recent years, the University has established formal exchanges and cooperation relations with many foreign universities and educational organizations in many countries and regions, including those in the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Ireland etc; hired foreign teachers from the UK, the USA, Russia, Thailand, and Indonesia to teach at the university over a long period of time; recruited 1000 long-term and short-term overseas students; and established an International Chinese Language Education Center in Thailand. Thus, the internationalization of school-running has been strengthened year by year. Qujing Normal University has fully implemented the Party's education policy and always adhered to the fundamentals of establishing morality and cultivating talents to promote the transformation and quality improvement during the period of the “13th Five-Year Plan”. The University has focused on the construction of quality and connotation, highlighted the characteristics of teacher training and deepened the comprehensive reform. It has also persisted in the culture casting soul, promoted the school management according to law, and made an all-out effort to strictly enforce the Party discipline to continuously enhance its comprehensive strength and core competitiveness. Remarkable achievements have been made in talent cultivation, scientific research, social services and cultural inheritance and innovation, which has laid a solid foundation for the further development of the University. Entering the 14th Five-Year Plan, Qujing Normal Univerity has clearly defined the orientation of "adhering to the teacher training base, highlighting the local and application-oriented characteristics, striving to build a first-class undergraduate education, and creating a high-level local university with distinctive characteristics", and establishing five great strategies of "developing the university with teacher training”, “ prospering the university with distinctive characteristics”, “strengthening the university with talents”, "embellishing the university with culture", and "activating the university with openess". The university will strive to achieve new breakthroughs in talent training, scientific research and social service through high-quality connotative development. Standing on the strategic height of supporting the modernization and development process of Qujing and Yunnan, the University will strive to achieve new breakthroughs in talent training, new improvements in scientific research, new extensions in social services, new outlook on cultural heritage, further progress in external cooperation, and new improvements in conditions for running the school with the foundation of moral education as the root, strengthening governance as the key, discipline and professional construction as the leader, reform and innovation as the driving force, platform and team building as the support, and serving local economic and social development as the focus, build it into a "diligent, progressive and harmonious University", and continuously improve its comprehensive schooling strength and social influence. (Data statistics up to November 2021)
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